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The Pickup Place / Re: Dimarzio PAF 57
« Last post by frankencat on February 26, 2024, 08:30:04 PM »
Relic White set incoming. Should be here this week.
The Pickup Place / Re: Dimarzio PAF 57
« Last post by JohnnyGtar on February 24, 2024, 10:52:49 AM »
They're dropping the ball by not getting this pickup out there to the usual reviewers. Honestly, I'm surprised by this.
The Pickup Place / Re: Evolution Neck in an HSS?
« Last post by darkbluemurder on February 19, 2024, 03:46:32 AM »
I’ve tried it in few guitars now, but I just can’t get on with an Area 61 in the neck*. It’s just too sharp and bright and not all that fat. Maybe I need heavier strings than 10-46. I put an Injector neck in there and it’s a lot better. Position 4 with the VV54P still works pretty well.

You probably have a very bright guitar there. In my #1 I like it just fine in the neck. Injector neck is the logical step up.

Even still, I’m wanting to try a little fatter with an HB2. How well can this pickup clean up with a treble bleed, say in the 270pF range? Will I get any chime out of it?

I have that pickup in the neck position of my Pinecaster tele with a 500k volume pot and a 220pf treble bleed, and it cleans up well. Actually I rely very much on that sound for one song.

Cheers Stephan
The Pickup Place / Re: Evolution Neck in an HSS?
« Last post by gregr on February 18, 2024, 10:42:30 PM »
I’ve tried it in few guitars now, but I just can’t get on with an Area 61 in the neck*. It’s just too sharp and bright and not all that fat. Maybe I need heavier strings than 10-46. I put an Injector neck in there and it’s a lot better. Position 4 with the VV54P still works pretty well.

Even still, I’m wanting to try a little fatter with an HB2. How well can this pickup clean up with a treble bleed, say in the 270pF range? Will I get any chime out of it? If not maybe position 4 with the 54P with both split might still be ok; or I can just rely on position 2 with the split JB.

(*) As an aside I’m ok with the 61 in the bridge with a dark to neutral guitar, though I definitely prefer the Virtual Vintage Blues.
The Pickup Place / Re: Air Norton Bridge Position
« Last post by nienturi on February 17, 2024, 12:42:32 AM »
The Pickup Place / Re: Dimarzio PAF 57
« Last post by nienturi on February 15, 2024, 03:17:31 AM »
Anyone tried???
The Pickup Place / Re: Dimarzio IGNO review
« Last post by nienturi on February 15, 2024, 03:16:57 AM »
Thanks for your review!
For me it's interesting, because I bought a Dimarzio Satchur8 that (maybe) is almost the same pickup
(all the technical data are very very similar). I'm still building the guitar I will put it in, so it will take some time before I really test it. And I hope it has nice clarity and a good dynamic response.

Thank you so much :) The only difference between them Satchur8 has virtual vintage tech. So that it must have little bit more inductance.

The interesting fact is about this "compression" effect, that - as far as I know - does not happen in a passive pickup, but anyway it's often perceived in the sound.
There is this excellent post here:
with thought-provoking information from a member who always gives very useful and good technical details.

I know Antigua guy and i've been following his researches for a long while. I've learned so much from him. But while i do understand his point on compression, i will keep using the term "compression".

I can provide my experience as an example under the same guitar and amp settings. Previously, I had a PATB-3 on my guitar. Later, I installed an Igno. Therefore, I was able to make a proper comparison. With the PATB-3, when I decreased the volume pot, I would get different levels of drive and a cleaning reaction in the tone. This was the case even with relatively small adjustments. On the other hand, with the Igno, there is no significant change in the tone even when the volume pot is decreased to serious levels. To clean the tone, it is necessary to decrease the volume pot very seriously, and at that point, the tone is neither very clean, nor clear, nor meaningful to me.

Furthermore, at he "just after breaking the amp" overdirve levels you can manipulate the tone by hitting the notes hard or softer. If you hit soft it is clean and hit hard you jum over the overdriven sound. That's not happing with Igno and other powerful humbuckers. You get an overdriven sound at all.

That's what happens when you have a compressor in your chain. Doesn't matter if clean or dirty amp setting, when you have a compressor that opened sufficiently, you go in a place that no matter how you hit the strings or if you drop the volume pot down. In the extreme settings, your pickups start to behave like active; volume pot turns into on/off switch :) Anyway, that's why i call that character of the pickups as "compression". It sounds better than "compression-like behaviour that is technically not a real compression that you get from a compressor" :)
The Pickup Place / Re: Dimarzio IGNO review
« Last post by Lelik on February 10, 2024, 04:35:57 AM »
Thanks for your review!
For me it's interesting, because I bought a Dimarzio Satchur8 that (maybe) is almost the same pickup
(all the technical data are very very similar). I'm still building the guitar I will put it in, so it will take some time before I really test it. And I hope it has nice clarity and a good dynamic response.

The interesting fact is about this "compression" effect, that - as far as I know - does not happen in a passive pickup, but anyway it's often perceived in the sound.
There is this excellent post here:
with thought-provoking information from a member who always gives very useful and good technical details.
The Pickup Place / Dimarzio IGNO review
« Last post by nienturi on February 01, 2024, 07:53:31 AM »

So this is my humble review for Dimarzio IGNO, the signature model for Scott LePage from Polyphia.
The Pickup Place / Re: Dimarzio PAF 57
« Last post by kookaburra on January 27, 2024, 02:53:13 PM »
I noticed there isn’t a cream option, but the relic white looks darn close.  I’m curious about that.
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