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Topics - H.R.

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The Pickup Place / Which single soil is good for HSH with H-Evolutions
« on: September 29, 2017, 10:32:52 AM »
Hello friends,
I have Ibanez RG2570 Prestige (FR)- Basswood body, Rosewood fingerboard, Maple+Walnut neck.
I decided to change the stock Dimarzio/IBZ's with:

DP 159FBK Evolution Bridge - Humbucker for Bridge
DP 158FBK Evolution Bridge - Humbucker for Neck

Looking , reading and listening a lot I was impressed that this pair is a good choice for this guitar and my style.
But could somebody advise me which single coil I can choose for middle pickup with the this combination.
I usually not use it but who know in one moment I could hear any good sound that I will like. The current Dimarzio/IBZ is too quiet and tight. 

(I play high-gain metal, shred, pig squeals, but often pure clean harmonies, double know)


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