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Topics - markdminer

Pages: [1]
The Pickup Place / 7 string Blaze Custom vs DActitvator
« on: October 22, 2016, 03:20:43 PM »
Thinking of swapping Blaze for Blaze Custom or DA in Ibanez RG752fx. Basswood, fx bridge. Metal/shred. Comparisons/thoughts?

The Pickup Place / Tone Zone vs. DActivator
« on: October 22, 2016, 03:09:25 PM »
Just the facts:
Bridge position
Alder w/ Floyd
D Standard tuning


The Pickup Place / 6 string version of Blaze?
« on: September 27, 2016, 04:37:58 PM »
Loving the results with Blaze pups in my 7 string Prestige guitars. So much to wonder if there is a six string pup with similar character? Would be going into USA Jacksons. Both alder, neck through, floyd, tuned to D standard. Metal/shred. Ive heard Steve's Special is pretty close? Thoughts/advice?

The Pickup Place / Evolution vs Tone Zone for Maple
« on: September 20, 2016, 04:12:24 PM »
Just re acquired my custom 1988 USA Jackson Kelly that is believed to be maple or poplar (also dense and heavy) Thinking duel Evolutions, or possible Tone Zone bridge/Evolution neck. With the darker character of the guitar it was suggested the Evolution best. Input/advice? Thanks everyone!

The Pickup Place / New to DiMarzio, advice please
« on: September 07, 2016, 02:50:30 PM »
Hey all. Im a fairly new DiMarzio player. I am slowly after years swaying from active pups to passive and to date I've got four guitars with DiMarzio's in 'em. Two of which I have Deactivators in both a Jackson King and RR1. Both USA. Both same woods and Floyd. In the V they are crushing both live and in the studio. The RR for whatever reason is a little on the 'thuddy' side in comparison and lacks the harmonics and mids I get from the V. Is there a recommendation something comparable to the Deact's? Thinking Evolution in the bridge and not sure about neck. High gain/metal/shred use. Thanks everyone! 

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