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Topics - SaxyCalzone

Pages: [1]
The Pickup Place / Humbucker similar to HS-2 in split mode
« on: March 09, 2021, 02:47:57 PM »
Hello! I was hoping to seek out some advice in regards to a pickup suggestion. I'm doing a superstrat build, and it's routed for two humbuckers. I have a Mexican Strat that has an HS-2 wired in split mode only, a la Eric Johnson, and I'm digging that sound. I was wondering if anyone would have a suggestion for a humbucker that would get me in the same ballpark in terms of tone, output, and dynamics. I couldn't find much in terms of metrics for the HS-2 ran in split mode. Bonus points for suggestions as to what would pair well in the neck position. Thanks everyone.

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