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Messages - Neardark72

Pages: [1]
The Pickup Place / Re: Les Paul looking for foreigner tone
« on: July 09, 2019, 05:20:16 AM »
Well send Darth, After the flowers, the pot.

I didn’t know about it.

But thanks for the first reply, It was gold. I will check info for those

The Pickup Place / Les Paul looking for foreigner tone
« on: July 07, 2019, 10:57:06 AM »
Hey guys,

Always wanted to have a Gibson LP but couldn’t afford it. Now that I finally got the money, the video release of « Play authentic »  Kind of turned me off and makes me wan’t to build my own « Authentic » LPaul mohagony with flame maple top.
Been trying to find the perfect humbucker for getting the classic rock tone that could fit sort of
Foreigner Juke box hero / feels like the first time
Tesla- change in the weather 
Cinderella- Gypsy Road
Well that kind of sound.

They quite all use Gibson pickups but being Authentic makes me wan’t to explore the DiMarzio avenue.

Thank you
Any recommendations?

Pages: [1]