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Messages - wiiqwertyuiop

Pages: [1]
The Pickup Place / Re: Need help choosing a middle pickup
« on: September 02, 2017, 06:16:19 PM »
Good suggestions, thanks, how is the chopper with clean tones?

The Pickup Place / Need help choosing a middle pickup
« on: September 02, 2017, 11:11:18 AM »
Hi, I was just looking for help on deciding on a middle pickup for my guitar. It is a pretty dark sounding guitar made out of basswood.

The pickups I'm getting are:

Bridge: Dimebucker

Middle: ?

Neck: Injector Neck

I was looking for something darker sounding to compliment the Dimebucker but is still brighter/different sounding from the Injector Neck.

The Area pickups look way to bright and I was thinking of maybe going with a Virtual Heavy Blues 2 but was worried if that is too dark and wouldn't sound much different from the Injector Neck. Thanks!

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