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Messages - buddroyce

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The Pickup Place / Re: Tele neck PU to compliment Chopper bridge
« on: May 30, 2021, 01:50:33 PM »
I gotta admit. The Zhangbucker piqued my interest enough to go check them out too!

The mini bar (off topic & misc) / Re: When less is more
« on: May 30, 2021, 01:48:18 PM »
That's awesome!!! I love stories like these!

The Pickup Place / Re: DiMarzio wins double cream trademark battle
« on: May 29, 2021, 08:44:51 PM »
I'm not too sure but I do believe I've seen some pickup winders sell them. God knows you can easily get them from China cause they have no problem ripping off companies there.

The Pickup Place / Re: DiMarzio wins double cream trademark battle
« on: May 29, 2021, 08:35:25 PM »
I'm not too sure if Patent Troll is fully applicable here. It would make sense if DiMarzio was trying to sue companies for an aged double white humbucker claiming a trademark/patent infringement but in this case, it's the other way around with someone else trolling DiMarzio.

I know that running this forum, I probably sound a bit biased but having done the whole legal trademark thing myself for one of my businesses, it is sadly one of the necessary evils of business in the modern world. Although I do understand that it does suck for everyone looking to get a double cream humbucker as it's not just as easy as just selecting it as an option, I honestly think it was a business great move by Larry DiMarzio to trademark the double cream humbucker the same way Pepto-Bismol trademarked their famous pink drink.

The Pickup Place / DiMarzio wins double cream trademark battle
« on: May 27, 2021, 04:44:23 PM »
I know it's a highly contested topic of debate as it's something non-DiMarzio users typically have against the company but apparently DiMarzio had a 4 year legal battle over the trademark double cream humbucker design and won!

While I personally do sometimes wish I could get a double cream humbucker from another company, as a business owner in the world of entertainment, I'm very happy for Larry DiMarzio and DiMarzio Inc. in general for successfully defending their Intellectual Property.

Here's the press release if you haven't seen it:

I get it. I just kind of get annoyed at the same old "story" you get from the endorsees about he newest product they are using. But hey, without that marketing there are a bunch of things that I love that I probably would have either missed or at least not tried. Worst marketing ever? The ads for the Boss Turbo Distortion. No description just a 80s metal chick in a shirt that didn't fit. Got my attention when I was 13, but I never had any idea what the Turbo Distortion actually did. Does it go from zero to fully distorted quicker than any other? I finally tried one and found it to be kind of a hidden gem in their lineup. footswitchable rhythm and lead settings.

Reminds me of the time D'Addario had the ad for their XL's with the slogan s*x selLs

Guitar Lounge / Re: Appreciation for Fret Work
« on: May 05, 2021, 04:24:46 PM »
You mean you sanded/filed down the last 8 frets more than the rest?

Everything you wanted to know about .... / Re: The Norton
« on: May 04, 2021, 07:51:09 PM »
I think one of the best descriptions of the Norton that I heard was "It sort of keeps everything you love about a Duncan JB and gets rid of the things you hate about a Duncan JB". I would tend to agree with that. It's like a JB with a little less of that upper mid spike that you either love or hate. At least to my ears.

I love that description of it!

The Pickup Place / Re: Al Dimeola Bridge
« on: May 02, 2021, 03:17:58 PM »
I have a bridge coming next week so I guess I'll find out first hand.

Let me know what you think of it. I'm still trying to find mine. I know I never got rid of it but where it's hiding at is another story. Should have never cleaned up my workbench.

Guitar Lounge / Re: Appreciation for Fret Work
« on: May 02, 2021, 03:13:33 PM »
I love that you've decided to do your own fret work. It's definitely a tedious and time consuming job. What did you buff your frets up to?

I gotta admit though, after doing so many fret jobs over the years, I'd much rather just get someone else to do it for my guitars now.

The mini bar (off topic & misc) / Re: Peavey....WTF?
« on: April 23, 2021, 10:14:20 AM »
I didn't even know Peavey was on Undercover Boss!! I gotta go find it!

Sad to hear that they've been doing in quality. The old skool Bandit series were solid workhorse amps.

The Pickup Place / Re: Patent numbers gone...
« on: April 23, 2021, 10:10:11 AM »
I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to dig up their patent numbers. Although it would be nice to put together a resource page with the patent info.

The Pickup Place / Re: Michael Frank Braun HSX Circuit Impressions
« on: April 23, 2021, 10:08:18 AM »
Edit: Don’t know what our admin did, but I can finally post again after several months!

I have no idea what I did but I'm glad to have you back!

The Pickup Place / Re: Any chance of a stickied DiMarzio Mods post?
« on: April 11, 2021, 02:48:05 PM »
Has anybody tried swapping hex/allen head pole pieces for screw pole pieces in any pups ?

I believe someone has tried that in the past with mixed results. I'll have to see about digging it up. If I recall, swapping the screw piece with the hex would narrow the magnetic field generated by the pickup and change the inductance/resistance a bit. The results would most likely vary from pickup to pickup but would be a worthwhile mod to test out.

News & New Guys / Minor server fix
« on: April 11, 2021, 02:40:13 PM »
An issue with the forum software that prevented certain posts from being posted was just fixed or at least I HOPE. It appears that previously posts with special characters weren't going through so band names like Motörhead would cause a post to fail but spelling it as Motorhead (without the fancy "ö") works.

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