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Air Norton Bridge Position

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Anyone else do this?  I'm just loving this pickup in the bridge position.  Output wise and tonally, it's in the PAF camp even though nothing like a PAF on paper.  Very open, articulate high end but enough grunt and growl in the lows to sound angry through a Marshall, but not muddy at all.  DiMarzio lists it as having slightly less output than a 36th bridge, but it comes off as hotter in practice due to the frequency response.  Pushes a marshall style front end harder.  More open highs, less squawk, more grunt/growl than the 36th bridge. Extremely responsive to pick attack, and very shred friendly in terms of tracking speed.

Really digging the hell out of it in 2HB guitars.


I had it in 2H and HSS set ups with good results. Actually mine (F-Spaced) is sitting around idling at the moment. I have two candidates for it - coincidentally one a 2H and one a HSS - and I haven't made up my mind where it should go. Probably in the 2H with a DP240 mini in the neck spot. With the HSS I would have to flip the magnet to use the bridge coil in split mode and be humcancelling with the middle, and I am not looking forward to doing that.

Cheers Stephan

I have done maybe a year ago and there was something I didn't like, think it was something with the highs.
Also I think I was missing some of the high mids of the stock EvH custom DiMarzios.

I guess I'd see things a little differently now, because since a few months I am really, really digging a more PAF-ish output: I got a VHPAF, put it into one of my EBMM Axis Sports (bridge position, that is), and it is killer.

Having a PAF 36th DP103 there in the neck ATM, I could imagine an AN bridge could cure the, or some of the, lack of bass when switching from neck to bridge.

What I especially like with the VHPAF is the punch when riffing hard. I mostly play Fryette clones, and I am all about dry, stiff, punchy, jumps-outta-the-cab-at-you drop D chugs.

While I still like the stock EvH custom DiMarzios, these do compress, I can clearly feel that there is some give with my right hand. The VHPAF translates my right hand movements more accurately, if you will.
I wonder how the AN compares to the PAF 36th bridge in terms of  compression (considering VHPAF and 36th bridge feel quite the same).


--- Quote from: darkbluemurder on November 16, 2023, 04:03:02 AM ---With the HSS I would have to flip the magnet to use the bridge coil in split mode and be humcancelling with the middle, and I am not looking forward to doing that.
--- End quote ---

If the singles use alnico rods then instead you can use a neodymium magnet to reverse their polarity.

While he used two cylindrical magnets I successfully used a pair of neo bar magnets on both alnico slugs to reverse their polarity as well as recharge bar magnets. I’m certain a single neo bar magnet will work as well. Just be sure to check the orientation of the magnet field emanating from the magnets.


Looking to drop a pair of Dimarzios into a 93 Hamer Special FM.  I’ll go Air Classic in the neck.

I have been thinking 36th, but your description of the AN in the bridge is sounding like something I’d dig.

My Dimarzio experience is limited to Super Distortions and X2Ns.  Those really worked well for me.  I’m looking for lower output these days, but not necessarily 1950s PAF output.


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