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Topics - Dave Simpson

Pages: [1]
The Pickup Place / Crunch Lab alternative for Ibanez RGA121
« on: December 17, 2017, 01:46:35 AM »
I currently have a Crunch Lab and LiquiFire set in my Ibanez RGA121. Love the LiquiFire but find the Crunch Lab to be too loose and boomy in the bridge. Any suggestions for a replacement for the Crunch Lab?

I'm using a EVH 5150 III 50 watt head and going for a Metallica Ride The Lightning type of tone. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

If any one can give me some help with the wiring color code for my Dimarzio pickups with the existing Ibanez switch I would appreciate it.

From what I can see so far the neck pickup looks like it's pretty much the same color code with the wiring, the bridge pickup is the one I'm having trouble with.

The Pickup Place / Suggestions for Ibanez RGA121 pickups
« on: May 06, 2017, 02:44:34 AM »
Just got this in. The stock pickups aren't great. I'm trying to decide between a Crunch Lab/Liquifire set or a D'Activator set.

Going for NWOBHM Metal to Justice For All Metallica tones. Any opinions are much appreciated.

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