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DimarzioForum.Com => The Pickup Place => Topic started by: Commander Chaos on September 07, 2015, 05:21:45 AM

Title: New P-90 for epiphone es-339
Post by: Commander Chaos on September 07, 2015, 05:21:45 AM
Hi guys
I recently got a new epi 339 with p-90s and I've really been digging it so far, the thing is the neck pickup is louder than the bridge and has a lot more bass. The pickup height isn't really adjustable and I have kinda been wanting something hum canceling anyways. So I figured I could balance the output by switching to a mini humbucker or virtual p-90 in the bridge and just keep the neck pickup (and tolerate the hum in that position)

I'm looking for something vintage voiced, the Kings of Leon inspired me to get this guitar and I know Caleb uses mini humbuckers. I'm not to hung up on getting a "real" p-90 sound from the bridge, just not full on humbucker, I have plenty of other guitars that do that just fine.

Thanks for any help!
EDIT: I forgot to mention the guitar has soap bar routes not dog ears like other epiphones, so mini HBs and dimarzio soap bars are all fair game.
Title: Re: New P-90 for epiphone es-339
Post by: slugworth on September 07, 2015, 06:36:13 PM
Dimarzio Soapbars are really cool sounding. Try one. If you can find a used one it's probably cheap.

If it was me, I'd also look for used P90s of these brands:

Reverend (likely to be cheap, as good or better than some of these others)

I've used dozens of P90s, and all of the noiseless options besides Kinmans which are quite pricey. I vote for regular P90s, hum and all. The noiseless options I've tried (Kent Armstrong, Lindy Fralin, Dimarzio) all leave something to be desired.
Title: Re: New P-90 for epiphone es-339
Post by: Commander Chaos on September 08, 2015, 04:18:56 PM
Thanks for the recommendations, I really want to get rid of the hum though, I can't stand it especially with an overdrive pedal.
Title: Re: New P-90 for epiphone es-339
Post by: darkbluemurder on September 09, 2015, 03:49:24 AM
If you can find a DLX-90 that could be a nice solution. It sounds a bit like a hot PAF and still balances nicely with a P90 in the neck.

Cheers Stephan
Title: Re: New P-90 for epiphone es-339
Post by: slugworth on September 09, 2015, 11:41:32 PM
Thanks for the recommendations, I really want to get rid of the hum though, I can't stand it especially with an overdrive pedal.

The DLX-90 does sound more PAF-like. Dimarzio's Virtual P90 sounds less PAF-like, but still not really like a P90. I like the way they sound, though. They can get a little boomy down low.

Fralin noiseless don't sound like P90s at all (he even admits it). Quite PAF-like.

If you want something that actually sounds like a P90 but noiseless, the best options are Kent Armstrong and Kinman. The Kents are a lot like the Dimarzio Area strat pickups. I like them, but I like real P90s more. The Kinmans are their own thing, and I haven't tried them because of how expensive they are. People say they are great, and the clips I have heard seem to back that up.

TV Jones also makes some interesting soapbar route stuff.