Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator

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Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« on: September 03, 2015, 10:21:17 AM »
I'm really torn between the DiMarzio Illuminator and Seymour Duncan Pegasus/Sentient combos for my PRS SE Floyd Custom 24. Then, to complicate things, I stumbled onto the SD Jason Becker Perputual Burn bridge pickup---I assume it would also pair well with the Sentient. The Pegasus and PB both seem very versatile, from clean to shred and everything in between---not as sure about the Illuminators for clean tones, since they have ceramic magnets. If anyone has tried/compared any of these, I would appreciate the details. I'd like to limit the discussion to these pickups only, please---thanks in advance.


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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2015, 02:15:34 PM »
I haven't used the Perpetual Burn together with the Sentient, and I don't know if there are published output specs on these, but I think a Sentient in the neck will overpower a Perpetual Burn in the bridge. Both are awesome pickups, but I suspect you might not get the best results combining them.

My choice to pair with a Perpetual Burn would be a Breed Neck. And to pair with a Sentient, I'd take a Nazgul.


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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #2 on: September 04, 2015, 08:59:07 PM »
The Becker model came off as a little flat to me.

I have an Illuminator in line to be installed, so I hope to know more about that one soon.
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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #3 on: September 04, 2015, 10:08:34 PM »
The Becker model came off as a little flat to me.

I have an Illuminator in line to be installed, so I hope to know more about that one soon.
Both bridge & neck, or bridge only? Either way, details would be appreciated. I would need much more info on the Perpetual Burn before actually getting it---I'm pretty set on the Pegasus/Sentient or Illuminator sets. From other reviews & forums I've read, it seems there is less difference between the 2 neck pickups. The Pegasus may have a bit more pronounced/sparkly highs, and slightly less midrange than the Illuminator bridge. The Pegasus' EQ is more spread out, whereas the Illuminator is more tight and focused in the midrange. Apparently both have fairly tight lows, and good overall definition. This is a TOUGH choice!
« Last Edit: September 04, 2015, 10:23:16 PM by mflemmer2 »


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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2015, 11:45:03 AM »
I only have an Illuminator bridge bright now. As there is only a Becker model in the bridge, that's also be a best apples to apples comparison.  In fact, I think the same guitar is available to use for the Illuminator...I'll have to double check.

The Becker model seemed to have highs that were a bit more rounded than what I was expecting. Mids were a bit even.  I was expecting to like it, but it just seemed to fall a little bland and flat sounding, lacking the character I was hoping it would have. But there are dudes that dig it. If it were to take the Pepsi challenge with other pickups from that genre, I'm not sure it would be at the top of the list.
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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2015, 08:59:03 PM »
Illuminator installed. Same guitar I have used to test a D Activator and a Titan.

Compared to the Becker model, the first impression of the Illuminator is that it's more articulate with a little more grind and more focused highs. Since I just had the Titan in there most recently, it made me think of a more polite Titan. It cleans up nice. It has a fairly tight low end, but not too tight...not much sag, if any. Mids seem a little more focused to the upper end.

Hope that helps.
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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2015, 09:44:07 PM »
Yes, that is helpful---thank you. I'm no longer considering the PB, based on what you and others have said. Also, I keep going back and forth on the SD combo. I realize these things are relative, but I've seen more consistent descriptions of the Illuminators. One recurring thing I keep seeing on the Pegasus is that it has a very heavy, boomy low end, which can tend to overwhelm and "blend" the other frequencies with higher gain, and even get a bit muddy, especially in the wrong guitar. One forum member who reported this was using a Schecter with a mahogany body, and my PRS is mahogany (with maple top), with maple neck and rosewood fingerboard. Then, others with a similar guitar as mine say it's very well balanced. I'm not into djent or death metal sounds---Dream Theater-esque prog is about as heavy as I need or want, and I only play 6 stringers. For all I know, these reports of bottom-heaviness only apply to the 7th and/or 8th strings. The main things that appeal to me regarding the Pegasus are better cleans and more shimmer in the highs, but even SD's website states that the Pegasus works best with bright to semi-warm woods. I realize the PRS isn't ENTIRELY mahogany. Then again, Petrucci's guitars are basswood. What's the wood in your guitar with the Illuminator, and when you say "focused highs", do you mean treble/bright highs or high mids?
« Last Edit: September 07, 2015, 09:46:02 PM by mflemmer2 »


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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2015, 09:00:33 AM »
It's the same guitar that the Becker pickup was in, so the comments were based on a relative comparison between the two.

I suppose that my comment about the highs was a way of saying there is plenty of high end, but I didn't find it shrill. The mids seem to have more of a snarl than a growl....not quite a roar. The lows stay punchy and articulate without being brittle. I would imagine you'd have to go out of your way to get a flubby low end.
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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2015, 10:56:52 AM »
Thanks again for the info. Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see where you stated the guitar or wood types---just that it was the same guitar you had the Becker in. Could you please provide the woods in your guitar? Also, how would you compare the treble in the Illuminator vs the Titan? I'm assuming they're close. It'd be nice if you had an Illuminator and Titan in the neck, so you could provide comparisons. I actually became interested in the Titan after you referenced it in your earlier reply. I'm wondering how close they are, since the descriptions and B/M/T levels on DiMarzio's website are similar. I'm still considering the SD Pegasus/Sentient combo, but I'm really leaning toward the Illuminators now. Your thoughts on the above?
« Last Edit: September 08, 2015, 08:42:01 PM by mflemmer2 »


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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2015, 04:35:02 PM »
Without putting the Titan back in the guitar the Illuminator is currently in, I do remember the highs being pretty similar. One of the biggest differences I noticed between the two is the lows seem tighter on the Titan.  Something else is that the Illuminator seems to clean up a little nicer than the Titan.

For comparative purposes, the type of wood is not as relevant. Meaning, in the same guitar, here are the similarities between the two and here are the differences between the two. Those similarities and differences should translate well to any guitar if you were to also try the same two pickups, be it alder or maple or basswood or mahogany and so on.

Maybe bud could share his thoughts, but I almost sorta consider the two similar enough in many respects to almost be splitting hairs in some respects. The Titan does have 12 adjustable poles where the Illuminator has 6, if tweaking pole height is a big deal for you.

It might be worth it to call DiMarzio tech support and get their own take on the options you are considering. You can also ask them about the exchange policy, so that if one doesn't work out you can swap it for the other.
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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2015, 10:22:33 PM »
I appreciate the advice. I'm probably going to get the Illuminators, based on what you and others have said. I like the fact that they clean up fairly well, and I'm sure the low end is tight enough for my needs. I certainly don't want shrill or piercing treble, but I am hoping they have some treble bite on the bridge pickup, especially when you dig in. My Les Paul's '57 Classic Plus in the bridge has plenty of bite while not sounding thin, but obviously isn't as tight in the lows with high gain. I really like the sound clips I've heard of the PAF Masters, but once again, probably not the best for more modern styles. I'm wondering if there is a fairly high output pickup that sounds decent clean, has good note separation with high gain, stays tight in the lows, AND has some treble bite in the bridge. I might have to do without the bite---that's why I have more than one guitar, I guess.


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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #11 on: September 12, 2015, 08:45:08 PM »
lemme throw another wrench into the works....

I'll probably be installing a set of PAF Master humbuckers next week.  lol!  DiMarzio told me they would be the closest they have to a Jimmy Page tone.  so we'll see. 
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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2015, 06:52:10 PM »
DarthPhineas, it's been a couple months since I last posted, so I'm not sure if you'll see this. I did end up going with the Illuminators. I am very pleased with the sound, including the cleans (especially the neck, and split coil settings). Really, the bridge isn't that bad for cleans either---both pickups are a step up from what I had (PRS SE HFS and Vintage Bass). The cleans were OK on the Vintage Bass, but weak & thin on the HFS---and split coil settings drastically reduced the volume. Both Illuminators sound much better clean, and single coil settings sound much more full, without such a huge volume drop. Also, there is a much bigger difference between the middle and neck positions. One thing I'm a little surprised at: in the middle position, there is a bit of the "2 PAF's at once" hollow, chirpy sound (like on my Les Paul with '57 Classics), but when you switch to single coil, it sounds A LOT like a Strat out-of-phase (position 2 or 4) setting---and this is a nice surprise. Both pickups alone with split coil sound like---well, single coils, but not out of phase. I wasn't expecting that---I'm assuming it's by design. Of course, I definitely like both pickups with gain---I did think the neck would be a little brighter, but it's not too dark. It's certainly CLEAR, but more subdued in the highs than I expected. However, you do get a nice chirp when picking individual notes. The bridge is certainly bright enough without being shrill. Thanks again for your advice---they're keepers!
« Last Edit: December 03, 2015, 12:41:58 AM by mflemmer2 »


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Re: Pegasus vs Perputual Burn vs Illuminator
« Reply #13 on: December 04, 2015, 12:44:17 PM »
very cool.

I should probably have updated my last post as well.  the PAF Master set was not at all close to any other Page-themed set I've tried.  I called back and got to one of the engineers, who agreed and suggested a 36th for the neck and a 36th Bridge for the bridge.  I'd not see the PAF Master set being in the same category as the lineup you've suggested.

I was playing with the Illuminator neck again a few days ago and it is a nice pickup.  I'm trying it out with a Dominion bridge and will be putting an Illuminator bridge in there in the next week or so.  I do like the Illuminator set.
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