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So this may peeve off some Dragonforce fans but....

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--- Quote from: Guitar74 on April 24, 2021, 10:40:49 AM ---I get it. I just kind of get annoyed at the same old "story" you get from the endorsees about he newest product they are using. But hey, without that marketing there are a bunch of things that I love that I probably would have either missed or at least not tried. Worst marketing ever? The ads for the Boss Turbo Distortion. No description just a 80s metal chick in a shirt that didn't fit. Got my attention when I was 13, but I never had any idea what the Turbo Distortion actually did. Does it go from zero to fully distorted quicker than any other? I finally tried one and found it to be kind of a hidden gem in their lineup. footswitchable rhythm and lead settings.

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Reminds me of the time D'Addario had the ad for their XL's with the slogan s*x selLs

Reminds me of the time D'Addario had the ad for their XL's with the slogan s*x selLs

I remember those ads. Remember the ads for the Blue Steel Dean Markleys? We bring these strings down to 3 million degrees below zero centigrade to realign the molecular makeup of them and then bring them up to a rockin' room temperature so that you have strings that will fetch the newspaper for you. That's not exactly accurate, but I did have to try them out. Used them for a long time and for the life of me don't remember why I quit using them.


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