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Offline Guitar74

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« on: June 24, 2021, 06:46:19 PM »
So after a discussion with my coworkers and then a discussion with my wife maybe 10 minutes later, I took what was told me as a sign.

With that being said, I have decided to take a much more active approach and get out of the rat race of the 9-5 and get back in the business.

My big question is for any of you who are using an agent. Who are you using? Are they doing it for you? If not, who do you know that is happy with who they are using and why?

Anyhow, any suggestions or recommendations would be great. I am getting the press kit together this weekend so that's covered. And I know what kind of cut to expect and what to pass on from previous experience.
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Re: Agents
« Reply #1 on: July 22, 2021, 12:16:05 PM »
That's a good question. All the people I know that have agents are not in the music industry right now but rather in film/tv or publishing.

Glad to see you've decided to take the proactive approach in getting out of the rat race!
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Offline Guitar74

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Re: Agents
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2021, 04:01:58 PM »
Funny you mentioned film because I just contacted a couple of licensing agencies for film. I also have went on a email campaign with some of the film/production companies to see who they actually use to get said music (I have found out the hard way that just because you see an article claiming that this service or that service is great doesn't necessarily make it so). Hopefully I can get some traction with this and do SOMETHING music related to earn a living and get away from what I am HAVING to do now to make ends meet. Time will tell, but at least I am doing something to try and move it forward.
If you're having one of those days where everyone is on your case and is just getting on your nerves, it's probably not everyone else