I'm not sure how to name this topic, ... But this should be for that type of people who have a hard time like finding musical inspiration or they have no idea of creating new music, or they are into one sound, and can't get out of that "safety box". You may find this topic very usefull.
All my life I was way always drown to like one specific guitar design sound. I tried like most of this "classic designs", and I found my sound in one. And for me - that design is perfect guitar for me.
And I have no problem with 1st part of topic.
But some time ago, I tried really, one guitar where I have absolutely all specs on guitar. So it's like the complete opposite of my "The Guitar". Nothing in that guitar atracts me in any way in terms of specs ... I really dislike that wood, I really dislike that types of pickups ......
But oh my God, it was such a fun instrument. Even if I hate all the specs. But it was really a fun instrument. My "The guitar" is still the "best" guitar. But this one was such an inspiring instrument, even if I hate all the specs.
So if you need inspiration for a new tone or new music .... Take your butt to music store, and take the guitar in your hand , which you would never pick in a million years in "normal circumstances".

PS. take this advice on your own safety. XD GAS issue warning. XD