Oh the joys of recording

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Offline Guitar74

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Oh the joys of recording
« on: August 11, 2020, 04:12:37 PM »
So, yep, I am recording a new album. After letting my brother in law (who used to be the bassist/keyboardist in the first band I was in when I first moved here to the good 'ole ATL) hear the first track I heard things like,"Man, I am hearing SO many things for the bass track.", I caved and asked if he would lay down a bass line as well as some synth sounds (strings mainly. Of course this was at my wife's prodding). So I send him a copy that has some rhythm guitar tracks (enough for an arrangement), acoustic guitar, and drums.

A week later, no response. Two weeks later a response about orchestrating the album (which is typical of him wanting to take over something, inject his ideas, and ruin it). Three weeks later, nothing. Last Friday, as response of,"So when do you want to get together and record this song?" If you can see may face in my hands as I type this, then you know what I am feeling. So I end up having to remind him that all I wanted was a bass track and a keyboard track. I also have to remind him that this is my record. I don't know if you have met this type, but he's the kind that likes to stand on the shoulders of other people, and then take credit for their hard work. It's why we fired him from that band, and pretty much why nobody can work with him.

Moral of story? Don't do things against your better judgement. Even if that means telling your wife that her brother is a poseur.

Sorry. I am recording the bass line tonight, and moving on. Just had to vent. Even if this faux pa was my own doing by way of not listening to that voice inside me that said,"Stop! Don't touch that red button!" 
If you're having one of those days where everyone is on your case and is just getting on your nerves, it's probably not everyone else


Offline Aceman

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Re: Oh the joys of recording
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2020, 03:23:22 PM »
Hey man - YES, I am THAT Aceman.

And I too have been working up my recording chops.  Songwriting....that's another thing.  But I can now record!


Offline Guitar74

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Re: Oh the joys of recording
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2021, 12:27:16 PM »
Wow. Talk about a late response. I just now noticed that you replied back in October. Good to see another member of the SD forum over here.
If you're having one of those days where everyone is on your case and is just getting on your nerves, it's probably not everyone else