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The Pickup Place / Re: Al Dimeola Bridge
« Last post by nienturi on July 20, 2024, 02:39:49 AM »
I've got mine. Soon i'll put its place.
The Pickup Place / Re: Pickups for dark guitar
« Last post by gregr on July 14, 2024, 06:37:36 PM »
Full shred set, most definitely.


You'll not be happy with them until you boost the bass at your amp a bit.  Doing this makes them thump and be super tight as the same time.

Like the JB and other “bright” higher output pickups, the Full Shed doesn’t present as all that bright until the tone starts to saturate. It isn’t particularly bright at the cleaner end of the spectrum compared to a pickup with less wire which appears more in line with the original poster’s needs.

Good cleans and overdrives, some distortion tones.

The Full Shred is nothing more than a Seymour Duncan Custom with an A5 magnet and two screw coils populated with Allen bolts. Between the two, the Custom is the brighter pickup; much brighter than the Full Shred when played clean or crunchy.

Now if the aim is a hotter-than-vintage Seymour Duncan with an aggressive top end, the Perpetual Burn is a better choice for the amount of gain the OP is describing, though I will still point to the leaner, lower-output Screamin’ Demon. The Custom (and its variants), the Perpetual Burn, and the Screamin’ Demon are all 43AWG.
The Pickup Place / Re: Dimarzio LiquiFire Review
« Last post by nienturi on July 13, 2024, 04:49:13 AM »
I like the Liquifire in the neck of Ibanez RG's and a PRS SE245 I have. Another neck pickup that is actually really similar, but a tad smoother is the Gravity Storm neck.

I haven't tried it before. Thanks for your addition btw :)
The Pickup Place / Re: Dimarzio LiquiFire Review
« Last post by greenlion on July 12, 2024, 07:54:10 AM »
I like the Liquifire in the neck of Ibanez RG's and a PRS SE245 I have. Another neck pickup that is actually really similar, but a tad smoother is the Gravity Storm neck.
The Pickup Place / Re: Rick Derringer pickups description from Steve Blucher
« Last post by JohnnyGtar on July 10, 2024, 06:53:41 AM »
Thanks for posting info on a very rare set, really appreciated.

Cheers Stephan

Glad to do it. :-) I think I may get a set of those sometime down the road.
Everything you wanted to know about .... / Re: DLX Plus
« Last post by darkbluemurder on July 09, 2024, 09:00:50 AM »
Meanwhile I found out that the DLX Plus neck (DP-162) is a great bridge pickup, too. Similar to the DLX Plus bridge but a tad brighter, a tad more high midrange and a bit tighter in the low end. Can be easily tamed with the help of the tone control. Highly recommended.

Cheers Stephan
The Pickup Place / Re: Pickups for dark guitar
« Last post by darkbluemurder on July 08, 2024, 05:40:26 AM »
I have a guitar that was dark with almost all pickups I tried. The big problem was the neck spot - everything PAF and remotely PAF sounded like a big mudfest. Bridge pickups were less of a problem - most I liked though none I loved.

The first marked improvement I got with a Lollartron (bridge) in the bridge and a Lollar Firebird in the neck - much clearer overall. The set I ended up with in that guitar was a set of Fralin Twangmasters which are split coil humbuckers (just like Precision bass pickups). That cured the muddy neck pickup syndrome for good. The bridge, however, is a lot brighter than a typical PAF - sounds more like a hot rod tele so if you are going for a humbucker tone that would not be my recommendation.

Full shred neck model works well in some guitars but I disliked it in others.

Cheers Stephan
Thanks for posting info on a very rare set, really appreciated.

Cheers Stephan
The Pickup Place / Re: Pickups for dark guitar
« Last post by nienturi on July 08, 2024, 04:57:46 AM »
Good luck making an educated purchasing decision based on DiMarzio’s DCR specifications. Thankfully they provide really good and reliable product information. Seymour Duncan should take notice.  8)
I agree with Duncans. In the timeline they change some specs or re-calibrate, i'm not sure what it is but the values may change. The real problem is inconsistancy. I have seen many DCR values in a huge range, especially overwound humbuckers like JB. On the other hand i have seen Dimarzios from 80s, 90s or 2000s and specs are in a much narrower range and totally understandable.
The Pickup Place / Rick Derringer pickups description from Steve Blucher
« Last post by JohnnyGtar on July 07, 2024, 10:48:43 PM »
I wrote DiMarzio a few years ago, asking what the Rick Derringer Signature pickups sound like.

Steve's reply:
1)      The bridge model (DP204) resembles the Steve' Special, although it is a little brighter-sounding and not quite as loud.

 2)      The neck model (DP203) is fairly comparable to the Air Classic (DP190) in terms of output and overall sound.
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